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European Consumer Centre Cyprus serves EU consumers shopping for goods and services on the European market, providing them with advice on their EU consumer rights and helping them with their disputes with traders in
other EU countries.

European Consumer Centre (ECC) Cyprus

It was established in 2005 and operates at the premises of the Competition and Consumers Protection Service of the Ministry of Energy, Commerce, Industry and Tourism.

It is co-financed by the European Commission and the Republic of Cyprus.

It provides free advice on consumer rights and consumer help to EU citizens and consumers living in the EU (as well as in Norway and Iceland) who are shopping abroad for goods or services in the European market.


The Centre in order to promote its aims, it carries out the following activities:

  1. Publishes online and printed newspaper articles.
  2. Participates in TV and radio programmes.
  3. Issues informative material – leaflets.Organizes seminars, conferences and presentations.
  4. Cooperates with the ECC- Network, other European Networks and national stakeholders.
  5. Responds to surveys and queries from other ECCs and the European Commission and participates in various joint projects.